/Resources/Leading 25 Companies That Supply Air Conditioning Services In The United States Chart

Leading 25 Companies That Supply Air Conditioning Services In The United States

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The source of the data is the Fortune 500 list of companies and their annual revenue, compiled by Fortune magazine.


The data above provides a list of the 25 leading companies in the United States that supply air conditioning services. These companies have a combined annual revenue of over $170 billion, with the top company, United Technologies Corporation, having a revenue of $67.2 billion. This is followed by Johnson Controls at $31.6 billion, Daikin Industries at $23.4 billion, and Trane Technologies at $17.5 billion. The remaining companies on the list have annual revenues ranging from $0.14 billion to $2.9 billion.

This data shows that the air conditioning services industry is highly competitive, with the top four companies making up almost 60% of the total revenue for the top 25 companies. It also shows that there are significant differences in size between the companies on the list, with the smallest company, Temtrol, only bringing in $0.138 billion in revenue. This data provides a clear picture of the industry’s competitive landscape, and the size and scope of the companies that provide air conditioning services in the United States.

