/Resources/Cybersecurity Commercial Contractors

Cyberattacks: Why Commercial Contractors Are Less Prepared Than They Think

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Cyberattacks are the bad guys we all know are lurking, but many commercial contractors still think they’re untouchable—until the ransomware hits.

A recent survey tells a different story: when ransomware hits, most companies are left scrambling, and their recovery plans crumble under the pressure.

Despite the bold talk about being prepared, nearly 7 in 10 IT leaders admitted to paying a ransom in the last year—despite company policies against it. Almost 80% had strict “no ransom” policies, but when business grinds to a halt and project timelines are on the line, those policies often get thrown out the window.

And that’s not the only problem. Nearly half of the businesses surveyed said it takes them more than six days to recover after a major cyberattack. For contractors, where project delays can mean missed deadlines, penalties, and reputational damage, this kind of downtime is something most companies can’t afford.

Why Commercial Contractors Are Especially Vulnerable

Cyberattacks aren’t just a concern for tech companies—construction and contracting firms are increasingly becoming targets. The move to more connected job sites, digital project management, and cloud-based tools has left many contractors exposed to cyber risks they may not even realize exist.

Contractors often underestimate how dependent they are on their digital tools until they’re taken down. Imagine losing access to your scheduling software, project management tools, or client contracts during a ransomware attack. The ripple effects can bring operations to a standstill—and the longer it takes to recover, the higher the cost.

What Can You Do About It?

So, what’s the plan when a cyberattack hits your business? Here’s the reality check: being confident isn’t enough. Contractors need to actively test their cyber resilience to ensure they can bounce back quickly. Here are a few ways to strengthen your defenses:

Stress-Test Your Recovery Plan:

If you’ve never tested your recovery plan in a real-world scenario, now’s the time. Simulate a cyberattack and see how quickly you can get critical systems back up and running. For contractors, time is money, and delays can lead to penalties, so a fast recovery is key.

Leverage Cloud-Based Tools

More contractors are moving key processes to cloud-based platforms, and for good reason. These systems often include built-in security features like encryption and automatic backups, which can help you recover faster in the event of an attack. Plus, they take some of the IT load off your shoulders.

Backups Are Your Lifeline 

Keep multiple layers of backups for your data—local, cloud-based, and even offline. When it comes to ransomware, the quickest way to avoid paying is to restore your systems from clean backups, keeping your business moving without giving in to cybercriminals.

The Contractor’s Advantage

For contractors, the stakes are higher than for many other industries. Downtime doesn’t just impact your bottom line—it can disrupt entire project schedules, damage client relationships, and lead to financial penalties. That’s why having a battle-tested cyber resilience plan is essential.

If your company isn’t prepared for the worst, it’s time to take action. Start by running real-world tests, evaluating your current capabilities, and investing in the right tools to protect your business from cyber threats. The next attack is only a matter of time, and when it comes, you want to be ready—not stuck playing catch-up.
