Heads up, commercial service contractors! Chances are your business is not monitoring website traffic for leads.
97% of your website visitors will leave – if you are working with other businesses this is your chance to generate leads from your website instead of losing them.
Head to a website like Leady.com and get their Free Trial – use your developer, agency, or marketer on the team to implement their tracking pixel (it’s 2 minutes of work). Once their tracking pixel is in – they will watch your website traffic and identify as much company-level traffic to your website as possible. IMPORTANT – even if these visitors never submitted the Contact Us type form on your website you get a chance to know who they are.
The great part of this technology is that not only it allows you to identify where your potential highest paying customers are coming from, but also what channel they have used to land on your website. Now you can find out if it’s Google Ads, search engine traffic, Facebook, Instagram, Bing, or any other channel.