BuildOps is excited to share this big customer data platform report. Our goal is to help construction industry professionals understand the best technology tools and platforms. Our team identified hundreds of platforms and tools and we invite you to explore, compare, and learn how they can benefit your business.
Some of the largest infrastructure projects produce an average of 130 million emails, 55 million documents, and 12 million workflows. With vast amounts of data being captured from many sources, many firms can’t manage and process this much information.
What We Discovered
In the past 6 years, customer data platforms and tools started increasing in popularity in the industry. Google revealed that the popularity index went from 0 to 100 in the past 6 years for customer data platforms within the construction industry (1 to 100 scale). The top 5 most used solutions: Segment, Bridg, ActTag Commander, Signal, and Ensighten.
There are over 40 customer data platforms on the market today and roughly 51,000 companies around the world are investing and using these types of tools including the construction industry.
What is a Customer Data Platform?
It is a technology that centralizes your client’s data from multiple sources, aggregates and unifies this data into customer profiles, and makes this data available and accessible to other systems. This includes customer care, marketing, data and analytics initiatives, and more.
Construction Competitive Advantage Application – the main purpose is to source, aggregate, and make customer data available to other platforms and people.
Top Findings
- Segment, Bridg, ActTag Commander, Signal, and Ensighten are the top 5 most used solutions.
- 30% of E&C companies are using applications that don’t integrate with one another. (Source – FMI) This is a strong roadblock when you are working with customer audience data.
- A significant interest in customer data platforms started appearing among construction companies about 6 years ago.
- In the span of 6 years – according to Google Trends data, interest went from 0 to 100 popularity index (highest possible interest for the topic).
Global Data
How popular is the subject of customer data platforms in the construction industry? This Google Trends chart highlights the popularity of customer data platforms among construction companies since 2004. Over the past 6 years, this type of platform started becoming more popular in the industry. Google reveals that the popularity index went from 0 to 100 in the past 6 years (1 to 100 scale).
Below are the global Customer Data Platforms and technology usages across 6 million-plus websites. Compare and see whether construction companies differ when it comes to customer data platforms. Here are the top 25 technologies across the top few million websites on the Internet.
Comments and Other Findings
- Segment, Bridge, and ActTag are the first three choices and hold more than 67% market share.
- If you look at the geographic interest data for customer data platforms – New York, California, and Massachusetts are the top 3 states with the highest level of interest in this technology among construction companies.