The CB-2800 clean burn is a thermal oxidizer that uses clean burning technology to destroy hazardous waste. This type of incinerator is typically used to dispose of hazardous materials, such as chemical waste, medical waste, and radioactive waste. The CB-2800 clean burn incinerator is able to destroy these types of hazardous materials completely, leaving no residue behind. This makes it an ideal choice for disposing of hazardous waste.
What are the detailed technical characteristics for CB-2800?
The CB-2800 clean burn incinerator is a highly efficient thermal oxidizer that uses clean burning technology to destroy hazardous waste. This type of incinerator is typically used to dispose of hazardous materials, such as chemical waste, medical waste, and radioactive waste. The CB-2800 clean burn incinerator is able to destroy these types of hazardous materials completely, leaving no residue behind. This makes it an ideal choice for disposing of hazardous waste.
Some of the key technical specifications for the CB-2800 include:
• Maximum operating temperature: 1,600 degrees Fahrenheit
• Destruction efficiency: 99.99%
• Waste capacity: 28 tons per day
• Fuel consumption: Natural gas or propane
• Emissions: Low NOx and CO2 emissions
What are some of the benefits of using a CB-2800 clean burn incinerator?
There are many benefits to using a CB-2800 clean burn incinerator, including:
• Highly efficient destruction of hazardous waste
• No residue left behind
• Low emissions
• Can be used with various types of fuel
• Safe and reliable operation